Our Story

So many of us are blessed to have our health, the necessities, and even many luxuries of life. However, there are places in our communities and world where sickness and loss of life are rampant, and food and clean water are scarce. Some have no schools, no teachers, and the people live an unimaginable daily life.
As a small child, Dr. Ginni Gross was watching a National Geographic Special about doctors visiting indigenous and remote parts of the world, which many term ’third world countries,” where American doctors provided healthcare services to those not having access to such services and in need of care. She turned to her parents and said, “I am going to do that when I grow up. I am going to help those who areless fortunate than me.” Her first chiropractic mission trip was to Haiti and the Dominican Republic after the great earthquake of 2010. Over the years, having talked with so many others that not only felt the same about the state of health and living throughout the world, but who also want to help make a difference, she knew she would one day find the perfect venue to do so.

Out of the caring and love of many souls, Drs. Ron & Mary Obersteinformed Hands For Life to create a venue in which chiropractic care could be delivered by caring, skilled doctors to those in need across the world. Touch Light Chiropractic is honored to have joined the ranks of Hands For Life participants that are volunteering their time to serve,by forming Hands For Life Lake Norman. Whether it is doctors volunteering their time and talent through Hands For Life, or people throughout the world donating money to help fund Hands For Life projects, it proves that there is “Power In Numbers.”

In 2014, over 6000 children and adults in Mexico were seen by Hands For Life doctors. In November of 2014, Hands For Life doctors served along with a small group of doctors to see over 7200 people in 4 days while on a service trip in India. The first school built through the donation of Dr. Ron was raised in 1985 on the island of Bali, and since that time, he has helped many other rural areas increase their educational output to children. The potential to increase the health and well-being within one person, one village, one state, one country and one world is UP TO US!! And your help is part of the solution!

Our Mission

To create a natural avenue for the underserved, financial hard-shipped population throughout the world to regain their health through:

  1. Chiropractic care creating an efficiently running nervous system,
  2. Accessible clean water and healthy food,
  3. The opportunity to have a superior education so that each person can reach their god given potential and create a healthier world tomorrow.

Our Purpose

Hands For Life is a non profit 501(c)3 that prides itself on looking for the “greater good” within each individual on God’s planet.  We understand there may be a divide that separates people based on culture, ethnicity, race, etc., and Hands For Life sees these difference’s as reasons to unite as one!  Just like a rainbow has different colors, those colors makes up its inherent beauty.  HFL sees the same inherent beauty within all people on our planet.   Our differences and individual  uniqueness’ make our world more exciting, more educational and more real.  Hands For Life is dedicated to creating a healthier world while honoring the differences amongst us.  We travel the globe to touch lives and educate  people about health.  Through chiropractic and a natural lifestyle, along with water, food and education, Hands For Life sees its role as a facilitator to unleash the God given potential residing within each person.  Sustainability, empowerment, better health and self sufficiency are what we leave behind after we touch so many.  Our goal is simple: to make sure every man, woman and child have a high functioning nerve system, enough food and water for great nutrition, and an education so they can read, write,  and have the basic skills so they can thrive and thus make a better contribution to the world.

Our Team

We’re a family of chiropractors serving to make the world a healthier, more connected place. Our team understands the disparity in healthcare across the globe. There are some communities with access to excellent chiropractic care. There are other groups of people who have no way of receiving the benefit of chiropractic care. Our team came together to try and shrink the gap between the “haves” and the “have not’s”.

Dr. Ginni is a graduate of Sherman College of Chiropractic with a passion for helping people in lasting and meaningful ways, including serving chiropractic mission trips. She has experience as a Music Therapist with a focus on Counseling before becoming a chiropractor and was a stay-at-home mom serving in various venues of school, church and community volunteer activities, as well as facilitator of the program, “Developing Capable People,” which she brought to the community for parents as a means of empowering young people. Dr. Ginni has been involved in healing practices for many years and is excited to be involved in the Lake Norman practice and serving the local community as well as other needs in the world. Dr. Ginni Gross

President/Board Member

Randy is Dr.Ginni’s husband, retired from 38 years in education in many capacities, including the last 23 years as Superintendent of Schools, in which he was able to have a more global effect on education and involved with many activities such as teaching, coaching, overseeing new building/remodeling, budget concerns, accounting and participation in many community activities such as Rotary where he was facilitator of building projects in the community, He also served the Chamber of Commerce, as well as facilitating Strategic Planning in the school venue and community. Randy’s passion has always been to promote the education and well-being of children so that they may grow up to be healthy, happy and productive in their lives. Randy Gross, Ed.D

Secretary/Treasurer/Board Member

Bob is a financial advisor and has always been active in various community projects. He is eager to help with Hands For Life Lake Norman, saying, “I just wanting to helpthe underserved in any way I can.” He presently serves as officer of Rotary in which the focus is Habitat for Humanity and support of the small business community. He also supports other non-profit organizations such as Toys For Tots, Lotta Foundation for families in need, and Pinky Swear which supports the families of those who have children with cancer. Robert Gors

Board Member

Patti Hellwig is a long time volunteer in the community with 28 years of experience working in family law offices. As a hobby, she does art projects with children, teaches Sunday school, volunteers for school, church and community activities. Patti’s passion is to connect and serve those who are in need. She is excited to serve on the board of Hands For Life Lake Norman and would like to participate in community service in any way she is needed. Patricia Hellwig

Board Member

Dr. Wendy is also a graduate of Sherman College of Chiropractic and has experience serving with chiropractic missions in foreign countries. She is an avid athlete and enjoys being involved and facilitating community awareness and health activities. Dr. Wendy has enthusiastically volunteered to serve on the board as well as participate in community service through Hands For Life Lake Norman. Dr. Wendy Parker

Board Member